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Please add Prestige system. It's very important for an Idle game of this type. You do have 1 good thing already which is the fire arrow synergy. Please try to add more upgrade that works like this

A bigger update which includes a prestige system is planned at a later stage
Thank you for the feedback!


It's just a (the) Gnorp Apologue clone


Love this. Felt good to play. Except for when the archers evolved. They went from little robin hood hats to... a native American tribe's feathered headdress. I know what you're going for, a people associated with archery. But that hat? That's not for putting on 10 archers. And they vary a lot from tribe to tribe.
Maybe use 1 (because it's a cute model) and give the rest little mohawks? (The haircut is named after a tribe. No, I don't mean the spiked kind.) Or just 1-2 feathers on top?

Thanks for the feedback!


Honestly, Don't worry about it that much. Using Native American headdresses isn't a bad thing. This goes for all cultures through out the world, Feel free to show off and get inspired by traditions. Just don't make fun of others ( which you didn't)

Don't worry about pleasing everyone. Not just in Game Deving but in general, Also taking different inspiration is important! If you are still worried get in touch with people from the culture in question rather than taking feedback from anons. Don't remove art and make your game more boring and lifeless of people getting offended on the behalf of others for no reason. 

Someone might be offended that you used eggs, or goblins or the horned helmets ECT.   

Keep up the good work! 



really fun idle game with a nice progression curve!


fun game

(1 edit) (+1)

Very fun little idler, reminds me of gnorp apologue

I'm excited to see what you add in future updates <3